What is Positive Parenting?
Parents want their child to behave appropriately but also grow up to be happy and confident. Knowing how to create that balance can seem…
Parents want their child to behave appropriately but also grow up to be happy and confident. Knowing how to create that balance can seem…
For children of all ages, the transition from summer to school involves many considerations. Setting a school-year family schedule can help make…
Tantrums are a normal facet of early childhood development, but they can feel overwhelming – both for your child and for you. Here are some…
According to Dr. Peter Gorski of Harvard Medical School, knowing what to expect from daily life can develop a child’s confidence. Here are some…
It's August, and time to get ready for school again. For some of you it's the first time you are taking your little one to school. You are taking…
As a parent of a toddler, you may have noticed that your child is starting to show signs of separation anxiety – such as clinginess, tantrums,…
As a parent, you know how often your child observes and even imitates the things you say and do. According to psychologist Mark Nielsen, children…
As adults, we understand that collaborating and working successfully with others is an essential life skill. Teamwork is crucial in…
Children have access to a vast array of computer technology and entertainment designed specifically for them. However, the American Academy of…
When your child has a tantrum, you may feel a loss of control as well as confusion over what to do to help your child. Tantrums are a normal facet…
There are many factors that go into picking the best child care environment for your infant, toddler, or preschooler. A good child care center…
The world of a young child is filled with many new experiences and discoveries, and many different emotions. Just like adults, it’s important for…
From an early age, children can learn about money and value. While it may seem like a difficult topic to help a young child understand, there are…
The move from baby to toddler can seem like a sudden one to many parents. There are a lot of big changes, including the need to transition your…
Young children are very curious and observant, and often mimic the behavior of their parents or caregivers. Recent research has suggested that a…
Independence is a very important skill for children to develop. An independent child has greater self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and a sense…
The ability to cooperate with others is a skill that your child will carry with them through to adulthood. No matter what the age, being able to…
All parents want their child to grow up to be a confident, happy person, and there are many ways to help that happen. Positive parenting is a…
In today’s global society, raising a bilingual child can be more useful than ever. In addition, children who can speak more than one language have…
The best way to discipline a child is something all parents think about. What is the best way to show your child the correct way to behave without…
As adults, our reaction to routine varies. Some of us rely on routine, while others feel it’s dull. However, young children are different. Here…
With Thanksgiving around the corner, you’re likely thinking of
While preschool-age might seem too early to teach your child about being responsible with money, they already understand that money is important…
When searching for someone to look after your child, you want to make sure you find the best person. You may have several questions and…
A consistent morning routine is one way you can help your…
Preschoolers are endlessly curious, and like to test the limits of their behavior. This is an important way for your child to learn about their…
Preschool is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn new skills and socialize with their peers. However, if your child is shy, you may be…
Many parents of older children are concerned about bullying, and want to ensure their child is being treated respectfully while also being kind to…
With today’s hectic lives, it can seem difficult to create a family schedule that works for all members. Whether your family is large or small,…
These days, there are many apps, games, and online videos that are intended to entertain and educate young children. However, the American Academy…
As a parent, you chose your child’s preschool because you believed it was the best environment to help nurture your child’s emotional, physical,…
As a parent, you know how often your young child observes and even imitates your words and actions. A parent is a child’s main source of knowledge…
Typically, children begin to recognize letters around the ages of two and three. They can begin to draw shapes that resemble letters, and start to…
Potty training is a milestone that can seem both exciting and frustrating. If you want to help make the transition easier for both your child and…
Sleep is important for everyone, but particularly for children, who are rapidly developing both mentally and physically. According to the National…
When your child has a tantrum, it can feel very overwhelming for you as well. How do you handle your child’s tantrum without melting down…
We can all remember being afraid of something as children, whether it was sleeping in the dark, monsters under the bed, or a neighborhood dog. As…
This Thanksgiving is an ideal time to help your preschooler learn about gratitude. Though young children may not be able to express gratitude in…
If you’re the parent of a toddler or preschooler, you know that it can be tough to teach good manners and behavior in public. However, it isn’t…
As adults, we may have forgotten what it was like to have nightmares as a young child. With their expansive imaginations and lack of real-world…
As parents, we want to see our children playing happily with others, and being kind and sharing. You know that it’s an important life skill that…
Helping out with household chores is an ideal way for children to learn responsibility, develop a sense of self-worth, and feel useful. Programs…
Children are fascinated by animals, and are always curious to learn more about them. Here are some age-appropriate ways you can help your…
Hands-on experiences create a crucial foundation for your young child’s learning. A recent study showed that preschoolers were less likely to…
As adults, we tend to think of math in complex ways. We imagine intricate formulas, or the sort of everyday math we use with our finances.…
These days, it seems like childhood is drastically different from even a few years ago. Young kids now have access to a whole world of computer…